Boy Racer

Boy Racer

In this project I have used photography as an outlet for dealing with grief, I have made these images for myself to understand the reality of death and how to deal with it, self-reflection is something we all do when someone close to us dies. My self-reflection is this project I see what a subculture is like.

I explore my friendship and relationships build around said subculture and friend. From the project, I get a clearer sense of understanding of my friends and life around me I submerge myself in it and allow myself to document it for future reference and also show my friendship with someone while also showing how I react and want to show death.

My project goal was to have an understanding of a group of people and a beginning to understanding a subculture while also having a way back into shooting and documenting what these people do, I feel like I have succeeded in what I wanted to achieve by documenting an event that is normally only remembered in western cultures.