Skotlanti Autolla

Skotlanti Autolla

Skotlanti Autolla is a project where I document my friends, myself, and a trip to Scotland. I take my sadness, worries about being alone, and insecurities and leave them in a place that is hundreds of miles away from me. I take snapshots of the road trip up to the Scottish lowlands to document what I see and how we are all feeling.

My friends do not want to be photographed at this emotional low point, when you lose someone who was so full of energy and hope and life it is natural for the people that remain to feel like we did, sadly isolated, and as if no one else understood but us. We all remember summer and how we played basketball, went camping, and how we were all so happy.

I want to live in this moment of being in this beautiful place but because of the timing I feel trapped all weekend. I try to immerse myself in my surroundings.