Searching For Home

Searching For Home

In this body of work, I explore what it is like to try and find a place where I belong, I search around the place where I was born and lived for the young formative years of my life and can not remember as well as I would like to. Memory is the key to the work as I have not visited the subject matter since I was this age.

I have searched for places and spaces I can remember through photographs and family convocations and connections, I use nostalgia to create my images and use that as a base to create something new from the old. The new memories of visiting the borough of Lewisham overpower the old and as I visit more I forget more of the world that used to feel dreamy to me so the new and old combine in my mind.

I do not know if I am Searching For Home as the project title suggests but in the end, I do not know if I have found it, I feel a connection with the place I once lived. I am glad my parents moved out of the city because this place no longer feels like home, I have not found what I have been looking for.