Social Suffering

Social Suffering

The project title stems from how I feel about the place I am in and how I feel about the said place at this point in my life, the community spirit feels lacking, distant, and not as strong as normal because of this I feel distant in the community because the socialising that normally takes place in the town is not there.

It is normally through the people that work in the independent shops and the Tearooms or the community activities at the arts centre that bring these people together so because this is lacking the town is lacking. This has clearly taken an effect on my photographs and the way I photograph the town, I am distant to people in a place where I am normally the opposite, happy vibrant small-town friendliness.

I am locked because of the physical places being closed and I am locked behind sanctions that mean myself and the town can not socialise, which means I can only socialise from a distance and I am locked because of things out of my own control and it fuels my frustrations and forces a telescopic view on the town which makes me feel more isolated than ever and as the town suffers, I suffer with it.